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02/06/2022 Newsletter

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Pray for One Another

To request prayer, email

or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors and their families

Our board members

The friends and family of JR

The Butler family

Karen and Bennie

Frank Sundstum

Jeff and Leanne Gervais

Talma's friend Andrew

Janice and Frank Gallentine

Christine Runice's mother Elaine Marz

The family and friends of Jim Popp, especially Marlene

The many unspoken requests

Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in:


Bible Reading Plan

Week 6


Verse of the Week

Click here to read the verse in context.


Coming Up...


Nazarene News

Troubled past leads to ministry passion for North Carolina couple

Catawaba Correctional Facility (pictured here) is one of the three prisons where Kyle DeLong teaches re-entry classes.

A pastoral couple in North Carolina has been using their triumphs over their past addictions to help others accomplish the same freedom they now experience.

Kyle DeLong was an addict for most of his life, cycling in and out of both prison and rehab until he finally surrendered his life to the Lord in 2006. After gaining his district minister’s license in 2014, he became a youth pastor at Concord Church of the Nazarene in North Carolina. He met a few other people while helping with the Celebrate Recovery program, and together they started Capstone Recovery Center for Women. In addition to serving on the board, Kyle became an instructor on boundaries and relapse prevention with a curriculum he created himself. “Anybody can go to recovery,” Kyle said. “But getting out and walking in recovery, that’s the hard part.”

Kyle met his wife, Wendy, through Capstone Recovery Center. After she graduated from the program, Wendy started working toward being a counselor and volunteered as a peer support specialist with Capstone. Kyle and Wendy became friends and eventually started dating before getting married in 2018. Wendy currently works in a local recovery center and will finish her bachelor’s in psychology from Trevecca Nazarene University this summer.

Together they have formed a team that is passionate about recovery and making change last in a person’s life. After Kyle’s father died in August of 2021, they began to convert his house into a “Hope House,” which is a transitional house for women coming out of recovery.

Now, Kyle pastors both Hickory Church of the Nazarene and Cherryville Church of the Nazarene. He plans to move into the parsonage at Cherryville and turn his current house into a prison re-entry house. Re-entry to society is something Kyle views as a vital area of ministry due to his own experiences; he teaches re-entry classes at three different prisons in the area.

Kyle said he was incarcerated 16 times, so the people understand his troubled past and want to experience the recovery he came through.

"They tell me, 'I want to see the Lord do with me what he’s done with you.'"

Kyle is also a lead sponsor at one of the prisons, and he helped another church member become qualified as well. Because of their designation, they are allowed to check out up to three prisoners who are on good behavior for six hours. They bring them to the Hickory church and take them lunch. Kyle said the church loves when the prisoners visit.

“They are so on fire for God,” Kyle said.

Kyle and Wendy care deeply about recovery and prisoner re-entry ministry. That’s why they encourage the local church to get involved.

“Churches will do clothes closets and food pantries, and that’s good,” Kyle said. “But there is a bigger step in the Church in the Nazarene. We are built on missions and compassionate ministry. Helping utilize already existing ministries in the local church to resource ministries like recovery ministries is just another step that churches can take.”

by Daniel Sperry for Nazarene News | 04 Feb 2022


Opportunities to Give and Serve

Mother's Of Preschoolers is underway! We need people to cuddle babies while parents receive Godly guidance and support just once or twice per month.

Contact - Bonnie Strunk (480) 296-1831.


Donations of clothes for infant to adult are currently being accepted.

Thank you so much, for your continued generosity of both time and resources.

Your gifts make a difference!

Contact Barbara Keeler: (520) 709-8925

Things we need: ➤Your Time ➤Diapers and pull ups in Newborn, 1,2,3,4,5 ➤Wipes ➤Baby Food (no formula) ➤Lotion ➤Your Monetary donation ➤Canned Food

💚Green Drop box in Foyer💚


You may always designate how you would like your offerings to be used for Mosaic Ministries besides our general fund. Here are some ministries in which you may want your offerings to go:

✎ LoveWorks ✎ Children's Ministry ✎ MOPs ✎ Prison Ministry

✎ Outreach ✎ Women's Ministry ✎ Facilities Upgrade Fund



Check our UPDATES page for new things.

For our live Google calendar go HERE

Barb Keeler leads us in getting to know the Bible better.



❋ Hang on to your Christmas cards and other greeting cards for an upcoming craft.

❋ Also, we are planning a retreat at Camp Pinerock

February 25th - 27th

Check back for details.



~ Remeber to check our UPDATES page

(for all your Mosaic news)


~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE

Our services can also be viewed on our Facebook Page:




This week's lesson is:

We Are the Light of the World



Humor... kinda

The Hand of God

Little Philip was spending the weekend with his grandmother after a particularly trying week in infant school. His grandmother decided to take him to the park on Saturday morning. It had been snowing all night and everything was beautiful.

His grandmother commented, 'Doesn't it look like an artist painted this scenery? Did you know God painted this just for you?'

'Yes, 'replied Philip, 'God did it and he did it left handed.'

This confused his grandmother so she asked him, 'What makes you say God did this with his left hand?'

'Well, 'said Philip, 'we learned at Sunday School last week that Jesus sits on God's right hand.'

New twist on Lot's tale

A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read, 'The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned to salt.'

His son asked, 'What happened to the flea?'


Social Distancing Guidelines

Please practice social distancing on the church property as much as possible

Sanitizer and masks are available at the front table

If you feel sick or have a temperature, please stay home

Communion elements will be available on a table as you enter the church 

Offering will be taken as you exit the church after service 

Surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized 

Thanks for respecting the guidelines and one another!


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