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03/14/2021 Newsletter

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Pray for One Another

To request prayer, email

or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors and their families

Our board members

The world as we all continue to navigate this Covid-19 pandemic.

The many unspoken requests

Friend of Rick Foss', Cory

Debbie Jones


Bonnie Rickman's Daughter-in-law, Tina


Pastor Jeff Fillis and his family

Phil Hunt

Sharon Slaven's Sister

Pat Lancos' daughter in law Tricia

Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in:


Bible Reading Plan

Click the links below to read online


Verse of the Week

Click on the following Bible link to read the verse in context


Nazarene News

Oregon church devastated by fire

(Winston, Oregon) — Community members are speaking out in support after Winston Church of the Nazarene went up in flames Saturday 27 February, leaving the congregation without a place to gather.

Cindy Slaymaker is the pastor of the church. She said she immediately received a call when the fire broke out. By the time she arrived at the scene, the air was filled with smoke and she could see it from several blocks away.

"I just burst into tears when I saw what was going on," Slaymaker said.

Although this is a devastating event and likely the end of that particular building, Slaymaker said she won't let this stop her and the church from advancing their mission.

"[We're] looking forward to what happens next for us here in a positive way. We're ready for good," Slaymaker said.

She also said she's been in discussions with several local churches about a temporary worship space but nothing is set in stone yet.

Eugene resident Dale Herbert, along with several members of the community, helped construct this exact building years ago. He said it was tough to see the church he helped create be completely destroyed.

"It was unbelievable what had happened," Herbert said.

Winston resident Jenette Short said she believes she was the first person to notice the fire as she was driving back home.

"I told my husband to stop. There's a fire! I got out and called 911 right away, and within minutes the flames were just shooting."

She said once the windows in the room where the fire started blew, the rest of the building went up in flames. The entire building has heavy water, smoke, and fire damage. The church appears to be damaged beyond repair.

The fire is still under investigation, as two young children have been linked to the fire.

This story has been reposted with permission from To view the original story, click here.

by Chris Lindsay for KEZI | 05 Mar 2021


Opportunities to Give and Serve

We have a volunteer cleaning crew who meets on Friday morning to make the church building sparkling clean.

Would you like to help?

Just come to Mosaic on Friday morning at 8:30am.

See you there!


Donations of clothes for infant to adult are currently being accepted.

Thank you, for your continued generosity of both time and resources. Your gifts make a difference!

Contact Barbara Keeler: (520) 709-8925


You may always designate how you would like your offerings to be used for Mosaic Ministries besides our general fund. Here are some ministries in which you may want your offerings to go:

✎ LoveWorks ✎ Children's Ministry ✎ MOPs ✎ Prison Ministry

✎ Outreach ✎ Women's Ministry ✎ Facilities Upgrade Fund



Check our UPDATES page for new things.

For our live Google calendar go HERE


Bread Bank hours have recently changed:

Sundays from 9am - 12pm



~ Remeber to check our UPDATES page

(for all your Covid-19 time and general Mosaic news)


~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE




This weeks topic is:




Coming Up...



❓❓ Bible Trivia ❓❓

New CHALLAGE! Be the first to email me with 100% correct and get a PRIZE!

1. Q: What is the longest book in the Bible?

2. Q: What golden image did the Israelites make at Mt. Sinai?

3. Q: What happened the idol which was beside the Ark in the enemy’s temple?

4. Q: Who was David’s son that became king?

5. Q: How many of Jesus’ brothers are named in the Bible?

6. Q: Who was exiled to an island?

7. Q: How many rules does Jesus use to summarize all the OT rules?

8. True or False: The more words we say makes our prayers better.

9. Q: Name the two Old Testament people who appeared when Jesus was


10. Q: Whose dream did Daniel interpret in - Babylon?

Answers will posted on the next Newsletter.

Last weeks anwsers:

Q: Which book did Jesus directly write?

A: None

Q: How many days did God take to create the world? A: 6

Q: Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments? A: Mt. Sinai

Q: Who was the enemy who took the Ark of the Covenant? A: Philistines

Q: Who was Bathsheba’s husband?

A: Uriah

Q: What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?

A: Esther

Q: Name the city where Jesus was born?

A: Bethlehem

Q: Who was the first Christian to die for his faith? A: Stephen

Q: What is the first commandment? A: You shall have no other gods before me.

True or False: Bananas are a fruit of the Spirit?

A: False – Bananas are a gift from God but not considered spiritual fruit in Galatians 5.



Humor... kinda


Social Distancing Guidelines

Please keep at least 6 feet apart while sitting in the sanctuary if possible

Please practice social distancing on the church property as much as possible

Sanitizer and masks are available at the front table

If you feel sick or have a temperature, please stay home

Communion elements will be available on a table as you enter the church 

Offering will be taken as you exit the church after service 

Surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized 

Thanks for respecting the guidelines and one another!


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