A Word From Pastor John
One very clear aspect of the early church presented in the book of Acts is this idea that they were a missional church. In other words, they thought like missionaries.
Being part of church was not just showing up to a service on Sunday, rather it encompassed their every day. They were always looking for opportunities to see how God might use them in their community.
We can be encouraged to know that the same God wants to use us today in our own lives and our own community.
Pray For One Another
Our pastors and their families
Dani Miller's Client
Clarence McGinnis
Dereck Smith
Talma's friend Ron Alcantara
Frank and Dawn Sundstrom
LoveWorks client's father
Sonja Rhodes
Dave Lukas
Bonnie Strunk and family
James Haglund’s family
The many unspoken requests
Praise Report!
Twins in CO who celebrated their first birthday!
Bible Reading Plan: Week 3
This year, we are reading through the Bible chronologically using The Bible Recap Plan in YouVersion.
Take a bookmark from the front lobby if you'd like to keep track that way and go through at your own pace.
Day 15: Job 40-42 Use bible.com OR the YouVersion app
Day 16: Genesis 12-15
Day 17: Genesis 16-18
Day 18: Genesis 19-21
Day 19: Genesis 22-24
Day 20: Genesis 25-26
Day 21: Genesis 27-29
Before you read God’s Word today, seek His help with these 5 prayers:
1. God, give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. 2. God, let any knowledge I gain serve to help me love You and others more, and not puff me up. 3. God, help me see something new about You I've never seen before. 4. God, correct any lies I believe about You or anything I misunderstand. 5. God, direct my steps according to Your Word.
Opportunities to Give and Serve
Our Mops group (Mothers of Preschoolers) is looking someone to watch the kiddos once per month. Contact the office if you can help.
We need one or two people to do a quick restroom tidy after church on Sundays.
Fill out a volunteer placement card in the front lobby lobby
Congregation Corner
Submitted by Barb Keeler
If you would like to have something in this newsletter, let me know! mosaicnazarene@gmail.com
Mission Minute
We like to support this school in anyway we can!
Upcoming Events and Weekly Schedule
For upcoming events and weekly schedule, go HERE (scroll down a little)
Also, check out the monthly bulletin and flyer turn-style in the church lobby
For our live Google calendar go HERE