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Pray for One Another
To request prayer, email mosaicnazarene@gmail.com
or call/text (520) 709-0815
Our pastors, our board and their families
Carolyn Kurtz's son, Ryan
Brenda Hathaway's Newphew-in-law, Rob
Israei and loved ones who are there
Georgie and Kurt Cherry
Barb Gionfriddo's nephew Brandon
Ramona Remech
The family and friends of Dennis
Clement and Renee
Teri Clayton's Grandmother
The family of Wes Hathaway
The many unspoken requests
Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in: https://www.facebook.com/groups/21109057279
Bible Reading Plan
Redemptive-Historical Bible Reading Plan
This year we are doing a 16 part plan that reveals God's plan of redemption in the Old Testament. Here is what the organizer says about it:
"I have outlined redemptive history in 16 stages, from creation up through the open-ended expectation of the Day of the Lord. Then I provide carefully curated sections from the OT that trace this history. I tried to pick at least one chapter from every OT book, but to keep it reasonably short I had to leave some out. I also pepper in psalms along the way. Then, for each stage, I provide a chapters from the NT that bring out how each of those steps of redemptive history (for ancient Israel) are fulfilled in the new era in Christ." Greg Laniers Blog
We will have three to five weeks to read and reflect on each part.
We will reflect on PART 15 for 5 weeks.
Verse of the Week
Click the following to read the verse in context Mark 8
Coming Up and Happening Now...
This week's lesson is
The Bible is God's Word 2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Nazarene News
England church ministers to community through Jubilee Coffee Shed
In the north of England, on the property of the Cramlington Nazarene Church, sits a little grey shed bubbling with the sounds and smells of tea and community. Neighbors pop by to enjoy a warm mug on a chilly day. Students stop in for biscuits and juice while walking home from school, lingering in the cozy atmosphere of The Jubilee Shed.
“We have always looked for ways into our community,” said one of Cramlington’s pastors, Rob Fitzjohn, recalling the origins of The Jubilee Shed.
In 2018, the church congregation prayed over their building and its property, asking God what to do next. The Lord brought the idea of a little coffee shed to the hearts and minds of multiple people.
But first, God asked them to garden.
“He supplied all we needed,” Fitzjohn said.
It started with a hedge around the property to keep little ones safe. Next, someone donated funds for chairs and picnic benches. Finally, the congregation added raised garden beds for produce to share. The grounds were welcoming, and seeds had been planted to create a home for what was to come.
In November 2022, a donor provided the material for a small shed. Someone else donated coffee machines and everything needed to launch the neighborhood cafe. Others volunteered to staff the cafe, brewing pots of coffee and tea for anyone willing to stop in. Fitzjohn says the church has “created a space for the community to be and relax.”
The Jubilee Shed is open as often as volunteers are available.
“We serve free teas, coffees, biscuits, friendship, and a listening ear,” Fitzjohn said. “And, if need be, a hug.”
The project has also provided opportunities to partner with other programs in the area. The Jubilee Shed and Gardens helped Cramlington win best overall community at a regional competition this year, which has led to local organizations calling upon the church to help speak into the Cramlington community.
“The shed helps us engage with our community,” Fitzjohn said. “It’s a space for them to ask us questions. It provides a warm space for family members to watch their children play football (soccer) matches.
They have started a kids’ craft group and serve coffee and tea on the school run (pick up/drop off line).
“Some folks also just get a coffee or tea and sit in the gardens or picnic areas for some quite alone time,” Fitzjohn said.
God has continued to provide for this tiny cafe with a big vision. Neighbors who frequent The Jubilee Shed have donated materials like outdoor heating and canopies to keep the space warm and dry through inclement weather and winter.
“We know God has a plan for all this ministry,” Fitzjohn said. “We have witnessed how he has supplied our needs to create the gardens and shed. We have seen how he has started friendships and conversations within and with our community.
“We pray we will always listen for his guidance and direction as these ministries are used for his glory and Kingdom.”
by Sarah Norris for Eurasia Region Church of the Nazarene | 26 Oct 2023
Opportunities to Give and Serve
We are looking for helpers in the following areas. Please text the church phone at 520-709-0815 and we will get you set up!
☞ Mosaic Cleaning Team
☞ Children's Church helpers
☞ Calling and Caring Team call Chuck: (520) 604-1971
MOPS is back in session!
You can Volunteer for once a month, once a quarter, or every time MOPs meets! Contact Bonnie Strunk (480) 296-1831
Humor... Kind of
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