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10/30/2022 Newsletter

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Welcome to the Newletter page of our website! Feel free to browse around and see what

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Pray for One Another

To request prayer, email

or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors, our board and their families

Judy McGinnis' family esp. sister-in-law, Norma

Pat Lancos' Grandson, Jase

Barbara Gionfriddo's Nephew

Kathie and Gary Widger

Brenda Hathaway's brother, Wes

Shirley Prather

Coni Peck

Marlene Popp

Susan Hunt's Son and Daughter-in-law

Phyllis Johnston

The many unspoken requests

Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in:


Bible Reading Plan

Week 45


Verses of the Week

Click the following to read the verses in context: Acts 3


Coming Up...

If you would like to help, contact Val Jordheim.


Women's Group, sign up in the foyer or talk with Carolyn Kurtz.






➣ Movie Night will be November 18th

➣ No Family Sunday in November


From the Desk of our District Superintendent

October 25, 2022

Dear District Family and Friends: I join you in expressing appreciation to the District ministerial team as we honor them and celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month. It is well deserved as our ministers serve faithfully and sacrificially. Their commitment will continue to expand the Kingdom of God as they minister to broken, hurting people and serve the church. Pastors, thank you for your obedience to your call and productive ministry!

Camp Meeting Next summer is crowded with multiple District and denominational events. Major events such as General Assembly and Nazarene Youth Congress will be held in the same summer as multiple organizations are getting caught-up on events that were delayed during the pandemic. To complicate things further, District children’s and youth camps, plus District Assembly are all in June and the postponed District NMI Work & Witness has been rescheduled for next July. These are in addition to local church summer ministries like VBS, regional events like Elevate and of course family vacations.

The crowded schedule places an unrealistic demand on those who staff and volunteer for these events. Therefore, we are moving Camp Meeting to Labor Day weekend August 31-September 3, 2023. This will be next summer only and we will move back to our mid-summer date in 2024.

There is some great news amidst these scheduling challenges, tentatively Dr. Scott Daniels will return as our speaker! Plan now to participate in this spiritually impactful Arizona District tradition Labor Day Weekend 2023.

Missional News From Rev. Todd Johnson, Lead Pastor at Desert Hills Community Church:

Greetings Pastor Doug, We launched a new ministry last October 2021 that partners with other churches in their community outreaches by providing food, clothing, and hygiene items to those in need. Here is brief video under 2 min that explains it all.

We have already helped these Nazarene churches: Phoenix Orangewood, Maryvale and have scheduled events with Surprise Hope Community and Phoenix Monte Vista.

Salvation Song is just the name we put on it, but it is a ministry of Desert Hills Community Church of the Nazarene.

Just thought you might be interested in sharing this with the district pastors. Our MCU (Mobile Compassionate Unit) can go just about anywhere, and we have a partnership with St. Mary’s Food Bank among other resources so that we can continue to serve.

We don’t know how it’s done exactly, but our vision is to one day, by the leading of the Holy Spirit and by the grace of God, to plant a Nazarene Compassionate Center under the name Salvation Song here and across the valley.

Blessings, Rev. Todd

From Rev. Cody Abrahamson, Lead Pastor at Restoration Church: On Saturday, July 30th, we held an event to hand out free school supplies and provide a fun place for the community to play in water games. We attempted a similar event last year and had about 10 people from the community come. This year, however, we had close to 600 people in attendance at the event! We gave away nearly 9,000 school supply items to over 200 children. I am so proud of my congregation for the way they gathered school supplies, took the time to assemble school bags, and then we had nearly our entire congregation volunteering at the event! Most importantly, people saw and heard the message of Christ through our actions and conversations during the event. God is moving! Here are two pictures:

Young Clergy Conference The planning team of the Young Clergy Conference/Network announces a new conference to be held February 21-23, 2023, at Melbourne First Church of the Nazarene, Melbourne FL. The conference theme is Luminous Darkness, Deepening Love. This theme, inspired by the writings of Saint John of the Cross, explores the mystery of transformation and new life that God brings through experiences of darkness within us and around us.

The gathering is a response to the desire of many young clergy to lean deeper into spiritual practices that sustain them in ministry, to stir their imagination for participating with the Holy Spirit in the work of healing, and to cultivate authentic, incarnational community. This open-invitation conference is designed specifically for young clergy and is built around commitments to prayer, conversation, encouragement, and education. Information about lead speakers, workshops, and schedule will be announced in the coming weeks.

The conference will include training to strengthen the partnership with districts and Nazarene schools to resource and support young clergy in their respective ministries, and Spanish interpretation will be available for all portions of the conference. Working in conversation with the USA/Canada Regional Office and Global Education and Clergy Development, a primary goal of the conference is to create a hospitable space where young clergy can grow and serve the Lord.

For more information contact Chelsie Reed ( or 937-707-4237).

Prayer Requests Please join me in interceding on behalf of the following:

  • Health: Pastor Roland Tedder’s father had multiple surgeries in South Africa and continues to recover. Pastor Rod Marion is recovering from surgery and also experienced a bout with COVID.

  • Re-start Churches: Casa Grande New Beginnings, New Hope Community, and Show Low New Life Community.

  • Church Plants: Restoration, Sudanese United Fellowship, Bard Spanish, and The Table.

  • Open Churches: Lake Havasu and Safford Real Life.

  • Other: Pastor Craig Coulter and Oro Valley Church have an important public hearing on November 1 concerning the next phase of their building master plan.

Congratulations Pastor Scott Thornton and the folks at East Valley Church paid off their debt! We celebrate with them this outstanding achievement.

Congratulations to the following ministers who were elected at District Assembly to the Ministerial Credentials Board: Curtis Burch, Denise Burns, Matt Dennis, Jeff Fillis, Frankie Fugate, Sean Gafford, Josh Jorgensen, Curt Lunsford, Jon Privett, Rich Richey, Krisi Ruth, Katy Scott, Brett Smith, Tara Smith, Rich Stoffan and Scott Thornton. Plus, the ex officio members are DS, Brad Estep, and Carla Durby.

And congratulation to those elected to the Ministerial Studies Board: Carla Durby (Chair), Cody Abrahamson (Chair in training), Clint Augustyn, Chris Conrad, Shauna Hanus, Toni Henry, Kyle Layne, Rod Marion, Fred Otto, Geoff Roediger, Dana Spaite, Vicki Vaquero, and Bob Zangger. Ex officio DS.

Calendar 2022 Nov 18-20 Spanish Ministerial Candidate Workshop @ PLNU Bakersfield campus 2023 Feb 21 Annual Studies and Credentials Boards In-person Interviews Feb 21-23 Young Clergy Conference Jun 9-16 General Assembly and Conventions Jun 19-23 Youth Camp Jun 25-29 Children’s Camp Jun 30 District Assembly Jul 5-9 Nazarene Youth Congress Jul 17-29 Work & Witness to Africa Nazarene University Aug 31-Sep 3 Camp Meeting

Closing I am grateful for the District Office support team: Brenda Mastin – Office Manager, Tina Anderson – Bookkeeper/Financial Assistant, and Becky Pierce – Administrative Assistant to the DS. Plus, Revs Brian Delbridge – Assistant to the District Superintendent, Matt Dennis – NexGen Leadership Development and Technology Coordinator, and Rich Stoffan – Camp Executive Director complete the team. Each team member does an outstanding job in their respective areas of responsibility. It is a joy and privilege to partner with them as we serve you!

Grace and peace,

Doug Pierce

District Pastor/Superintendent


Opportunities to Give and Serve

Alice Romano is looking to train someone this year to be the coordinator next year. Please text the office at (520)709-0815 if you're interested.


We are looking for helpers in the following areas. Please text the church phone at 520-709-0815 and we will get you set up!

⎆Mosaic Cleaning Team

⎆Soundbooth OR slide operator, Please talk to Carla Foss if you're at all willing

⎆Children's Church helpers


We are collecting clothes for the month of September! Bring your gently used clothing to church on Sunday and they will be taken to a Phoenix ministry for distribution.


You can Volunteer for once a month, once a quarter, or every time MOPs meets!


You may always designate how you would like your offerings to be used for Mosaic Ministries besides our general fund. Here are some ministries in which you may want your offerings to go:

✎ LoveWorks ✎ Children's Ministry ✎ MOPs ✎ Prison Ministry

✎ Outreach ✎ Women's Ministry ✎ Facilities Upgrade Fund



Check our UPDATES page for new things.

For our live Google calendar go HERE


~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE




This week's lesson for family Sunday is:

Seek God's Kingdom Matthew 6:33



Humor... Kind of

😬 Be on the look out, so you're not deceived!


Social Distancing Guidelines

Please practice social distancing on the church property as much as possible

Sanitizer and masks are available at the front table

If you feel sick or have a temperature, please stay home

Communion elements will be available on a table as you enter the church 

Offering may be placed in the wooden box in the sanctuary by the doors.

Surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized 

Thanks for respecting the guidelines and one another!


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