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05/22/2022 Newsletter

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Pray for One Another

To request prayer, email

or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors and their families

Our new board:

Walt Ballard

Shelley Butler

Rick Foss

Dee Jones

Clarence McGinnis

Bonnie Strunk

Lillita Watts

Doretta Allison

Debbie Jones

Dee Jones

Patti Rupp

Barbara Keeler

Debbie Jones

Barb Gionfriddo's Nephew, Brandon

The family and friends of the late Frank Sundstum

The many unspoken requests

Make sure you're a part of our Facebook group to get prayer requests as they come in:


Bible Reading Plan

Week 21


Verse of the Week

Click below to read the verse in context.


Coming Up...


Nazarene News

Guatemala church baptizes 27 believers in celebration service

Camino de Santidad Iglesia del Nazareno celebrated the baptism of 27 people. The pastors of the church, Wendy and Plinio Urizar and Cesar and Elsa Ayala, said this celebration is the result of the evangelistic work that the church carried out during the pandemic.

The church, also known as “Mi CaSa,” is located in the center of Guatemala City, Guatemala. More than 250 adults and children attended the celebration held at Mount Sion Camp on April 27.

The church reopened when COVID-19 restrictions began in late November 2021. Plinio Urizar said this was a challenge for the leadership, but they decided to put their trust in God. After they reopened, they held 2 celebrations, seeing growth in numbers as well as spiritual fervor among congregants. “This growth brought families in need of God, and as a church we are focused on making Christ-like disciples,” Urizar said.

Freddy Velásquez, a young man discipled through the youth video cells, was one of those baptized along with his mother and sister who have been attending church with him. Freddy testified:

“I am 24 years old. I suffer from a disability that limits my movements and makes it difficult for me to speak. I came to 'Mi Casa' through a great friend. I had distanced myself from God due to family circumstances that had a negative effect on me, I fell into a deep depression and came to have very dark thoughts. I told a friend about it and she invited me to the video calls.
At first, I didn't think it was that important, but then God began to give me answers through the teachings, and He made me free from depression! For several years, I [battled] a strong sin and I remember that one day in a teaching about Jonah, God [freed] me from that sin.
I confronted God about my disability; I asked him why he allowed it? But today, I understand that I am a reflection of God's love, [and] I have a smile that proves it.
God loves you and has a purpose with every circumstance that he allows you to go through, but you must allow him into your life and let him act. God restored a broken heart and my whole being through my leaders.
Today I thank God for “Mi CaSa” since they accepted me without knowing me and they loved me. Today I make the decision to be baptized together with my mother and sister, and now my desire is to serve God.”

“Together with the pastors of 'Mi Casa', we give all the glory to God for the transformation we are seeing in the lives of the people who attend the temple Sunday after Sunday,” Urizar said.

by Church of the Nazarene Mesoamerica 19 May 2022


Opportunities to Give and Serve

Mother's Of Preschoolers would like to thank everyone who volunteered, donated, and prayed for this ministy this session.

We are on break for the summer and will resume in the fall!

Contact - Bonnie Strunk (480) 296-1831.


Dear Church family,

As you probably know, the Loveworks building has sold and we don't yet have a new location. Many heartfelt thanks to all of those who helped in the cleaning out of the old facility. It was a daunting task made easier by all who helped. We are praying that God will lead the Loveworks ministry to a new location where we can continue to serve those in need. In the meantime, we will not accept donations as there is not enough storage to hold them. Continue to keep this ministry in prayer as we look for a new location.

Yours in Christ,

Barb Keeler

Contact Barbara Keeler: (520) 709-8925


You may always designate how you would like your offerings to be used for Mosaic Ministries besides our general fund. Here are some ministries in which you may want your offerings to go:

✎ LoveWorks ✎ Children's Ministry ✎ MOPs ✎ Prison Ministry

✎ Outreach ✎ Women's Ministry ✎ Facilities Upgrade Fund



Check our UPDATES page for new things.

For our live Google calendar go HERE


~ Remeber to check our UPDATES page

(for all your Mosaic news)


~ See our services on YouTube! RIGHT HERE




This week's lesson is:

the Bible is my Light



Humor... kinda


Social Distancing Guidelines

Please practice social distancing on the church property as much as possible

Sanitizer and masks are available at the front table

If you feel sick or have a temperature, please stay home

Communion elements will be available on a table as you enter the church 

Offering will be taken as you exit the church after service 

Surfaces will be regularly cleaned and sanitized 

Thanks for respecting the guidelines and one another!


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