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05/10/2020 Newsletter


A Word From Pastor John~

Hey Mosaic Church,

I hope that you are staying healthy and staying connected. I'm really excited about our next series, as we talk about the Fruits of the Spirit. I find it helpful to regularly analyze my life for each of the fruits listed in Galatians chapter 5.  

The Bible says that these are the traits and attributes which the Holy Spirit will continually produce in our lives. One helpful way to analyze our own spiritual growth is to see the way in which God is harvesting these various fruits in our own lives. 

I look forward to the next several weeks as we center in on the aspect of spiritual growth and how God wants to continually produce good fruits in our lives!


Pray For One Another

To request prayer, email or call/text (520) 709-0815

Our pastors and their families

The world as we all continue to navigate this Covid-19 pandemic.

Shelley Butler's father who has Covid 19

Friends and family of Carla's cousin, Alisa

Friends and family of Dave Lukas

Phillis Bacon's neighbor

Valerie Thibodeaux's friend Yvonne and family

RJ Thibodeaux

Phil Chavez family, Lorraine Chavez and Seve Chacon

Barb Gionfriddo's neighbor

Josh's son, Wesley

Talma's student

Tom Hahn and the family of Ben Hennessee

Pat Lancos

The many unspoken requests


Bible Reading Plan: Week 20

This year, we are reading through the Bible chronologically using The Bible Recap Plan in YouVersion.

Take a bookmark from the front lobby if you'd like to keep track that way and go through at your own pace. Bookmark Five is available at your request. Call (520) 709-0815

Use OR the YouVersion app

Before you read God’s Word today, seek His help with these 5 prayers:

1. God, give me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. 2. God, let any knowledge I gain serve to help me love You and others more, and not puff me up. 3. God, help me see something new about You I've never seen before. 4. God, correct any lies I believe about You or anything I misunderstand. 5. God, direct my steps according to Your Word.


Humor... kinda


Opportunities to Give and Serve

Donations are welcome!

Thank you to everyone who has donated money, goods, and their time. People's needs are being met.

Help get Bibles to the Navajo speaking

people in prison here in Arizona: Serve God by serving your church:


Holiness Today

A Living Word

 “But the Word of God increased and multiplied.” Acts 12:24 (ESV)

I continue to be amazed at the power of words. Genesis recounts that it was with words that God created light from the darkness (Genesis 1). It was words from Jesus that silenced the storms. Words have been life giving in my own life. It seems that at just the right moments, someone has spoken an encouraging word into difficult and discouraging situations. Quite likely, we have all been recipients of harmful words as well. It reminds me daily of the power of a word.

"We often refer to the Bible as the Word of God. Jesus is referred to in John 1:1 as “The Word.” These words have come to be life giving to me."

No doubt we have all had a preacher or teacher encourage us to read the Bible. Every Christian would affirm that as important. However, I have begun to change the way I read the Bible.

There have been times I have searched the pages of Scriptures to pass an exam in Bible College or Seminary. At times, I have studied to be ready to give answers to people I get to shepherd. Other times, my Bible reading has consisted of a search for divine knowledge or sermon preparation. All these are good things, but those practices have at times left me spiritually dry. My realization has been that I have spent time in front of an open Bible to “put my time in.”

A growing desire that wells up within me is to read the Bible spiritually and intellectually. It becomes more than comprehension at that point. It is spiritually forming! Have you ever been alone with your Bible and just allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to you through His Word? The Bible is life changing. I admit that I do not always understand everything I read, but God always seems to give me exactly what I need in those moments.

The richness of the Word of God comes from the reality that its spiritual depth never runs dry. It is a well that springs forth. There are often contemporary issues or questions born out of my curiosity that the Word does not always answer, but it meets the deep need of my spirit every time I come ready to encounter Jesus.

Take time with the Bible today—not to get in a certain amount of time or to cover a certain amount of material—just expecting that the word of God might change you.

Jared Henry; pastor of Mackey Church of the Nazarene, Mackey, Indiana


Mission Minute

The coronavirus is having a wide-reaching impact on all of our lives - across the globe! Many of us are worried about our health and the health of loved ones. Offices are closing, people are self-isolating and nobody knows exactly what is likely to happen. A lot has changed in a short space of time.

But our God has not changed! One of the great truths of the gospel is that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). And He told us “Do not worry about your life,”, but rather “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” (Matthew 6).

That certainly isn’t easy. We need God’s grace. And, as so often, we can learn a lot from the faith, strength and perseverance of the persecuted church.

People who are persecuted for their faith live the reality of isolation and danger every day. They experience fear and uncertainty, pain and suffering – and yet they see the hope of Christ in the midst of it!

Jesus said, “. . . In this world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Excerpt from Open Doors


Talma Harmon

Missions Advisory Counsel



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